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10 June 2020

Tips And Tricks On How To Check If Your Mobile Application Is User-Friendly

#mobile #testing #WCAG standards

Nowadays, while designing web applications we should consider that a big amount of users will be using our page on the mobile devices. This is why application tests on different browsers and with different resolutions are so important.

Agnieszka Michnik Agnieszka Michnik
3 June 2020

6 Reasons To Rewrite a Legacy System To a New Technology

#digital transformation #growth

Some of you may be wondering what a ‘legacy system’ is. So, at the beginning, it’s worth to explain that it means a software program that is outdated or obsolete. Recently we have done a few projects in Evertop where we had to rewrite such an obsolete solution to a new technology.

Maciej Kotok Maciej Kotok
27 May 2020

Does The Programmer Have a Chance To Avoid Simple Mistakes?

#bugs #code review #code test

I have seen once such a meme: “If debugging serves to remove errors from the code, programming certainly involves inserting bugs into the code.” There is some truth in it. Modern IT systems implement a lot of very complex processes, it is very easy to make a mistake.

Paweł Szymura Paweł Szymura
20 May 2020

Update Your Database With As Less Connection As Possible

#database #entity framework #programming tips

This is the second article from the series about how to improve your .NET application that uses Entity Framework. In this lesson I will show you how to reduce the number of connections and queries sent to database when updating database. I will show you a few good practices in some common cases. Let’s start.

Paweł Szymura Paweł Szymura
13 May 2020

How To Use RabbitMQ With Symfony Messenger

#php #programming tips #queue

In this article I will first explain how the queues work and in the second part we will install Symfony, messenger component and rabbitMQ and we will create a simple project example of product order basket in the store.

Łukasz Sprężak Łukasz Sprężak
6 May 2020

Accessibility Testing – Meet The WCAG

#testing #WCAG standards

In Poland, there are over 3 milion people with the certificate of disability, but in fact there are even more disabled people — between 4 and 7 million. They are a part of society that will be using our applications and, therefore, to provide them with opportunity and encourage them to use our product, it should be user-friendly and trouble-free.

Agnieszka Michnik Agnieszka Michnik
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