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9 June 2021

Micro Frontend – Deep Dive Into Micro-Frontends. Part II

#micro frontend #web development #web frameworks

Here we are in 2021 and the question is whether the journey into Micro-Frontends is still worth watching? - of course, but on several conditions. In the first part, we discussed the pros and cons of using a micro-frontend approach in our project in frontend development. We also touched on when we might consider this approach. Although micro-frontends are quite a new approach in the frontend architecture ecosystem they are used for several years in medium and large organizations.

Rafał Czarkowski Rafał Czarkowski
2 June 2021

Why To Choose Software Development Company From Poland?

#business development #digital transformation #growth

The world is becoming a global village. You can see it almost everywhere. The possibility of outsourcing are incomparably greater today than it was 20, 10 or even 5 years ago. It is worth taking the advantage of this opportunity. Nowadays, you do not have to entrust your friend, brother-in-law or the first company you meet. Globalization allows to choose precisely the perfect contractor for the work we want to outsource.

Maciej Kotok Maciej Kotok
26 May 2021

9 Reasons Why You Should Join Our Team At Evertop

#growth #our way #recruitment #self development

Everyone chooses a new workplace according to their preferences, but when there are more opportunities, it is harder to make a decision. It is influenced by various factors, such as localization, salary and work culture. Some recruiters like to ask candidates, "Why do you want to work here?" That is why it is worth learning more about the company itself, honestly answering this question and additionally gaining points in recruiter’s eyes.

Katarzyna Baron Katarzyna Baron
19 May 2021

What is Continuous Integration?

#continuous integration #software development process

Continuous Integration (CI) appears more and more in the context of software development and seems to be a relatively new approach. The term, however, dates back to the early 90s, when it was used by Grady Booch (one of the founders of the UML language) in the book "Object Oriented Design: With Applications". CI owes its further development to the spread of agile software development methodologies, in which it plays one of the key roles.

Bogusław Legierski Bogusław Legierski
12 May 2021

Introduction To Micro Frontend. Part I

#micro frontend #web development #web frameworks

Introduction, a few words about micro frontend architecture, solution architecture. Micro frontends are small web applications that are broken down into components or functions that work together to provide a larger application.

Rafał Czarkowski Rafał Czarkowski
5 May 2021

The Path Of Career Development In The IT Industry – From The Programmer To The CEO

#business development #growth #self development

The following article is unique to me because I need to describe my own experiences and conclusions drawn from them. By reviewing my professional life, I also make a summary of what has happened in it so far. This is even more interesting and difficult too because I recently turned 40 and I realize more and more that I will not be younger ;-).

Maciej Kotok Maciej Kotok
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