How Does Evertop Onboarding Process Work
#growth #recruitmentIn my previous article, I described the recruitment process at Evertop. Today I will continue the topic, focusing on one important stage of recruitment, which I also mentioned previously, the last but not least – the onboarding process.
Katarzyna Baron
SOLID: Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)
#programming tips #self development #SOLIDThe principle relates to two main aspects of object-oriented programming. First of all, it highlights the importance of correlation between the classes with the same parent. Secondly, it helps to understand correctly the essence of object-oriented programming and virtual mechanisms, which support the process.
Paweł Szymura
Case Study Of Differential Data Querying In .NET Core Web API
#ASP.NET #C# #programming tipsAs you may know we were asked to develop system for attendees of Economic Forum 2020. One of the client’s main requests was to allow mobile applications, communicating with main server, to read only the data that has been changed since last reading.
Rafał Chmiel
Why Is The Analysis Most Important Part Of Development Process?
#analysis process #project managementRegardless of the software implementation methodology, whether it is Scrum or Waterfall, it will take many actions or phases to complete it. In Waterfall methodology the analysis phase takes place after the specification of requirements and before the technical project and implementation.
Maciej Kotok
SOLID: Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)
#programming tips #self development #SOLIDHave you ever seen a class method in your project, the core of which would be one line only: throw new NotImplementedException()? Is this the right solution? Could such a code cause an issue?
Paweł Szymura
How We Started a Career In IT
#growth #our way #recruitment #self developmentFor the past two months we have been trainees at Evertop, and we want to share our thoughts and experiences that we have encountered so far, starting from the very beginning – the recruitment stage.