How We Built a Dedicated System for Guests of the Economic Forum
#business development #mobileIn Evertop we are making a lot of interesting projects but the one I’m going to present today is really significant to me. Since I did care much about this specific project I dedicated a huge amount of time to convince the client to cooperate with us.
Maciej Kotok
The 10 Most Important Elements of Successful IT Project Management
#project managementProper planning of activities is required in the fast changing environment and with the enormous complexity and dynamics of IT systems.
Marcin Błaszczok
SOLID: Open-Closed Principle (OCP)
#programming tips #self development #SOLIDThat is the second article from the series about SOLID principles. This time I should give you more details about the Open-Closed Principle. The element of software should be locked for modification but open to extension. Uncle Bob himself used to say: “Good architecture reduces the amount of modified code to the absolute minimum. Ideally to zero”.
Paweł Szymura
SOLID: Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)
#programming tips #self development #SOLIDSOLID principles are regarded as one the best practices in programming. We hear about them all the time. Unfortunately, it seems to me that these rules are often misunderstood. I’ll try to present them in the series of five articles, one article for each rule.
Paweł Szymura
To Be Or Not To Be… a SoDA Member?
#business development #growthEvertop has entered SoDA in February 2019 and we were about the 30th company. So I feel like we are in this project from the beginning. The entering process was very easy. We had to fill some simple form, sign a few documents and pay the membership fee.
Maciej Kotok
How To Prepare Test Data For Unit Test
#programming tips #testingThere are many articles describing how to write a good test. But the question is how to create a good data test? I will show an example, different from what you may have ever read.