The system to manage the technical documentation flow.
Industry: Distribution/ Energy sector
Lead time: Since 2014 - present
About the Client
Tauron is the largest distributor of the electricity in Poland. The company uses the latest technological solutions their implementation works, in a form of exploitation, modernization and expansion of existing energetic infrastructure. Tauron provides high quality services, paying particular attention to the safety of its clients.
The purpose of the project
The project’s goal is to create the system to gather all documentation concerning the information that Tauron outsources to external companies. It helps to organize the process of management of post-completion documentation flow in the whole organization.

The registration system improving the work of all 11 departments in Tauron Distribution. The main advantage of the system is the tasks registration option. Furthermore, the option of filtering was expanded, which facilitates the generation of reports and statements.
Additionally, we introduced the under-system of e-mail notifications, which ensures the efficient flow of information to each system user. The system offers the registration of documents flow between the locations, which helps to monitor physically the documentation that has been sent out.
We have created the module to scan post-completion documentation that included automatic transfer of scanned documents to the system. We introduced additional functionalities, such as: division into standard competencies and extended competences for the users of investment department, possibility of having an access to data from more than one department or further development of return services.
The administrator has got the access to the management of tasks and users, and can set acceptable deadlines and can manage terminology data. The administrator that is not allocated to any department has the competencies to browse and edit the issues from all departments that use WebPROD.

- Flow of data from ZEFIR to WebPROD,
- Flow of data from Access files to WebPROD base,
- Cooperation with other departments,
- Summary of adequate functionalities towards specific department,
- Transfer of document between the internal Tauron departments.
We currently provide the services of WebPROD app maintenance, where we support the system and assist with technical issues when the errors occur. The additional functionality that we may introduce is the flow of documents in an electronic form, which will help to save employees time and will increase their work effectiveness.