How I Became a Software Tester
#growth #our way #self development #testingI would like to share with you the story how I became a software tester and why I chose this profession. I will present the position, responsibilities and advantages and disadvantages of this profession.
Karolina Laprus
How Does Evertop Onboarding Process Work
#growth #recruitmentIn my previous article, I described the recruitment process at Evertop. Today I will continue the topic, focusing on one important stage of recruitment, which I also mentioned previously, the last but not least – the onboarding process.
Katarzyna Baron
How We Started a Career In IT
#growth #our way #recruitment #self developmentFor the past two months we have been trainees at Evertop, and we want to share our thoughts and experiences that we have encountered so far, starting from the very beginning – the recruitment stage.
Adrian Skutela
To Be Or Not To Be… a SoDA Member?
#business development #growthEvertop has entered SoDA in February 2019 and we were about the 30th company. So I feel like we are in this project from the beginning. The entering process was very easy. We had to fill some simple form, sign a few documents and pay the membership fee.
Maciej Kotok
How Does Evertop’s Recruitment Process Work?
#growth #recruitmentI’m sure that for many of us looking for a new job is quite stressful. And it isn’t strange at all but let’s think why it is so? As Dan Brown said in one of his bestseller books „we all fear what we do not understand.” So, if you wonder what happens next after you have sent your resume, you are in a good place.
Katarzyna Baron
Evertop Rated by Clutch as one of Poland’s Top Web Developers for 2020
#business development #growthWe just received exciting news here at Evertop! Clutch analyst Dustin Sammons just called our founder to let him know that Evertop is again listed as one of Poland’s top web and app developers!
6 Reasons To Rewrite a Legacy System To a New Technology
#digital transformation #growthSome of you may be wondering what a ‘legacy system’ is. So, at the beginning, it’s worth to explain that it means a software program that is outdated or obsolete. Recently we have done a few projects in Evertop where we had to rewrite such an obsolete solution to a new technology.
Maciej Kotok
Challenges of Scaling a Business – How We Help a Small English School
#digital transformation #growth #mobileAs you probably know Evertop is a custom software development company. We design, develop, deploy and maintain bespoke systems created under our client’s requirements. On our daily basis work, we find less or more exciting and inspiring projects. The one I’d like to describe today is, in my opinion, one of the most interesting we’ve done so far.
Maciej Kotok