What Skills Do You Need To Get Your First Job As A Developer?
#growth #our way #recruitment #self developmentThe interest in working as a developer is constantly growing. When training in this field, it is worth knowing what a potential employer can expect and what can still be worked on. Not everyone can become a developer, because you need to have some predispositions. Obviously, the most important thing is the technical knowledge you acquire and the analytical mind. However, some character traits are also important, as well as soft skills that are necessary to become, above all, a good developer.
Katarzyna Baron
9 Reasons Why You Should Join Our Team At Evertop
#growth #our way #recruitment #self developmentEveryone chooses a new workplace according to their preferences, but when there are more opportunities, it is harder to make a decision. It is influenced by various factors, such as localization, salary and work culture. Some recruiters like to ask candidates, "Why do you want to work here?" That is why it is worth learning more about the company itself, honestly answering this question and additionally gaining points in recruiter’s eyes.
Katarzyna Baron
The Path Of Career Development In The IT Industry – From The Programmer To The CEO
#business development #growth #self developmentThe following article is unique to me because I need to describe my own experiences and conclusions drawn from them. By reviewing my professional life, I also make a summary of what has happened in it so far. This is even more interesting and difficult too because I recently turned 40 and I realize more and more that I will not be younger ;-).
Maciej Kotok
What I Have Learned During My First Year at Evertop
#growth #our way #self developmentIt has recently been a year since I started working at Evertop. This is my first office job and my first serious job in marketing. And thus - a completely different work culture, because previously I had worked in a different industry. The beginnings were quite challenging for me, due to the fact that everything was new. I started my adventure with a two-month internship, which allowed me to check whether I would be able to find myself in this position.
Katarzyna Baron
How I Became a Software Tester
#growth #our way #self development #testingI would like to share with you the story how I became a software tester and why I chose this profession. I will present the position, responsibilities and advantages and disadvantages of this profession.
Karolina Laprus
SOLID: Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)
#programming tips #self development #SOLIDThis is the last article related to the set of SOLID project principles. The DIP principle is the most useful of all in terms of its relevance to the creation of strong classes and good architecture of the whole system.
Paweł Szymura
SOLID: Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)
#programming tips #self development #SOLIDThe principle relates to two main aspects of object-oriented programming. First of all, it highlights the importance of correlation between the classes with the same parent. Secondly, it helps to understand correctly the essence of object-oriented programming and virtual mechanisms, which support the process.
Paweł Szymura
SOLID: Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)
#programming tips #self development #SOLIDHave you ever seen a class method in your project, the core of which would be one line only: throw new NotImplementedException()? Is this the right solution? Could such a code cause an issue?
Paweł Szymura
How We Started a Career In IT
#growth #our way #recruitment #self developmentFor the past two months we have been trainees at Evertop, and we want to share our thoughts and experiences that we have encountered so far, starting from the very beginning – the recruitment stage.
Adrian Skutela
SOLID: Open-Closed Principle (OCP)
#programming tips #self development #SOLIDThat is the second article from the series about SOLID principles. This time I should give you more details about the Open-Closed Principle. The element of software should be locked for modification but open to extension. Uncle Bob himself used to say: “Good architecture reduces the amount of modified code to the absolute minimum. Ideally to zero”.
Paweł Szymura
SOLID: Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)
#programming tips #self development #SOLIDSOLID principles are regarded as one the best practices in programming. We hear about them all the time. Unfortunately, it seems to me that these rules are often misunderstood. I’ll try to present them in the series of five articles, one article for each rule.
Paweł Szymura
Code Kata — Sharpen Your IT Saw
#code kata #programming tips #self developmentThe world is changing faster than ever before, and especially IT world. As software developers and engineers we should „sharpen our saw” not only to be better and better but also to be on a roll with new technologies, frameworks and libraries. The same as athletes who keep in shape and train harder to get better, faster and stronger (yup, I like Daft Punk), we should train ourselves.
Piotr Zuber