
21 October 2020

SOLID: Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)

#programming tips #self development #SOLID

This is the last article related to the set of SOLID project principles. The DIP principle is the most useful of all in terms of its relevance to the creation of strong classes and good architecture of the whole system.

Paweł Szymura Paweł Szymura
7 October 2020

SOLID: Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)

#programming tips #self development #SOLID

The principle relates to two main aspects of object-oriented programming. First of all, it highlights the importance of correlation between the classes with the same parent. Secondly, it helps to understand correctly the essence of object-oriented programming and virtual mechanisms, which support the process.

Paweł Szymura Paweł Szymura
16 September 2020

SOLID: Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)

#programming tips #self development #SOLID

Have you ever seen a class method in your project, the core of which would be one line only: throw new NotImplementedException()? Is this the right solution? Could such a code cause an issue?

Paweł Szymura Paweł Szymura
19 August 2020

SOLID: Open-Closed Principle (OCP)

#programming tips #self development #SOLID

That is the second article from the series about SOLID principles. This time I should give you more details about the Open-Closed Principle. The element of software should be locked for modification but open to extension. Uncle Bob himself used to say: “Good architecture reduces the amount of modified code to the absolute minimum. Ideally to zero”.

Paweł Szymura Paweł Szymura
12 August 2020

SOLID: Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)

#programming tips #self development #SOLID

SOLID principles are regarded as one the best practices in programming. We hear about them all the time. Unfortunately, it seems to me that these rules are often misunderstood. I’ll try to present them in the series of five articles, one article for each rule.

Paweł Szymura Paweł Szymura
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