Practical Advice On How To Write A Good Resume
#growth #recruitmentProbably everyone has already sent more than one resume in their lives. However, the trick is to write them in such a way that we get the recruiter's attention. How you build your Curriculum Vitae and what information you include, has a huge impact on the decision the recruiter makes when sees your CV for the first time.
Katarzyna Baron
Blazor: Future Of .Net Web Development!
#.NET #ASP.NET #Blazor #C# #web frameworksIt's worth noting that web application development standards sometimes change faster than they can be implemented. In this race, developers must be one step ahead. This situation forces us to constantly follow trends in the development of web applications. What is the future of web development? What is the future for solutions provided by Microsoft?
Bogusław Legierski
8 Elements Which You Need To Remember About When Preparing The Request For Proposal (RFP)
#business development #request for proposal #sales processLast week we published an article about the specification of requirements. The specification itself is not enough to obtain competitive proposals and to make a good decision when choosing the contractor, with whom you will be able to sign the contract for realization of bespoke software solution.
Maciej Kotok
How To Prepare a Good Specification Of Requirements For IT Projects
#analysis process #project managementIn the previous article you could read about how to find appropriate software company, which carries out the project of your idea. When you finally make a decision you will face another challenge. You probably already have a vision of your own project, however, the problem arises when you need to describe it on paper. How to start, what such a document should include, what should be avoided?
Paweł Szymura
What Shall We Pay Attention To When Choosing Software Development Company?
#business development #digital transformation #project managementWhen your business starts growing you realise that manual information input or running the Excel charts take too long or are insufficient. It is time then to buy a software that is appropriately tailored to your requirements.
Rafał Dunal
Web vs Desktop Apps From Business Owner’s Perspective
#business development #digital transformation #growthThere are dozens of brief or detailed comparisons between web- and desktop-based applications in the internet resources. Thousands developers, project managers or technology geeks may discuss or quarrel about technical differences, but it is still worth to ask and answear one question: which “philosophy” to choose? Web or desktop?
Mateusz Fligier
The Growth Of The On-Demand Economy
#business development #digital transformation #growthTechnology is now evolving at such a rapid pace that annual predictions of trends can seem out-of-date before they even go live as a published blog post or article.
Paulina Brym-Ciuba
How Much Does It Cost To Create an IT System?
#business development #sales processAnyone who has ever considered buying dedicated, tailor-made software development services has certainly wondered how much they may cost. The answer is not simple and can be put down to the statement: It depends.
Maciej Kotok
How I Became a Software Tester
#growth #our way #testingI would like to share with you the story how I became a software tester and why I chose this profession. I will present the position, responsibilities and advantages and disadvantages of this profession.
Karolina Laprus
Understanding SOLID Principles: Dependency Inversion
#programming tips #self development #SOLIDThis is the last article related to the set of SOLID project principles. The DIP principle is the most useful of all in terms of its relevance to the creation of strong classes and good architecture of the whole system.
Paweł Szymura
How Does Evertop Onboarding Process Work
#growth #recruitmentIn my previous article, I described the recruitment process at Evertop. Today I will continue the topic, focusing on one important stage of recruitment, which I also mentioned previously, the last but not least – the onboarding process.
Katarzyna Baron
Understanding SOLID Principles: Liskov Substitution
#programming tips #self development #SOLIDThe principle relates to two main aspects of object-oriented programming. First of all, it highlights the importance of correlation between the classes with the same parent. Secondly, it helps to understand correctly the essence of object-oriented programming and virtual mechanisms, which support the process.
Paweł Szymura