How Does Evertop’s Recruitment Process Work?
15 juli 2020

I’m sure that for many of us looking for a new job is quite stressful. And it isn’t strange at all but let’s think why it is so? As Dan Brown said in one of his bestseller books „we all fear what we do not understand.”
So, if you wonder what happens next after you have sent your resume, you are in a good place.
I think that everyone sends more than one resume in his/her life. Some of us probably wonder how the recruitment process exactly goes. We send the resume to the companies – just don’t kid yourself – usually on a massive scale and the next step is to wait for the feedback. It often happens that we do not receive any answer. Usually, the next stage should be an invitation to a job interview. Of course, each company has its own approach to the recruitment process. Some companies do a quick chat over the phone, just to get the feeling whether the person fits. Each company does it on its own. But I would like to introduce you to Evertop’s recruitment process.
1. Identification of needs
The recruitment process in our company begins from the moment when the leader of the team reports the need of hiring new person. The leader is also responsible for all recruitment steps, including job interview. The result is that the whole process runs smoothly and the recruiter finds a new employee within a short time.
2. Sending and analyzing the resume
Applicant has a wide variety of websites with job offers. We put effort on keeping our job offers up to date on a few chosen platforms. First and foremost, we publish new vacancies on our website, social media channels – Facebook and LinkedIn and on job offer websites –,,,
When the application for a given position comes to us, the verification process starts. The person who’s responsible for the verification, checks if the candidate meets our expectations. Therefore, only selected candidates pass to the next stage.
3. Online tests
Currently, only candidates for the .NET Developers or Administrator IT positions are going through this stage. In the near future tests will be also developed for other positions as well. Candidates are sent an e-mail with a short test and a task to do. There is no deadline, we encourage to take time and give their best.
After completing the test, it is verified by a technical person. Afterwards, the candidate receives an e-mail with information about whether he was accepted to the next stage or rejected.
4. Invitation for the job interview and technical verification
If your candidacy suits our needs, we will contact you by phone to schedule the date of your job interview. You receive an e-mail confirmation with the agreed date and meeting place. It mostly takes place in our office in Chorzów but it depends on the situation. Sometimes we do it remotely – that’s how it worked during the pandemic time. The advantage of our company is that we always try to adapt to current conditions.
And then finally the interview takes place. Here I would like to mention about adequate clothing that will have a positive effect on your image on job interview. Smart or business casual dress code will be appropriate for managerial positions, and for technical people casual will be great.
Each of us knows that the job interview is meant to verify the competences of the candidate, which is stressful by its nature. This is not surprising because it is a form of an exam. As a candidate, you probably want to show yourself from your best side and make a good first impression. However, it is worth looking at it from our perspective. The conversation not only validates the technical knowledge presented in the resume, but it also lets everyone get better feeling of each other. Our recruiter is the person whom the potential future employee will have to deal most with. Which, of course, is a huge advantage, because you can already see if they are going to work together well. Great contact is extremely important in the daily life of the company, because it also affects the quality of work.
An additional element of conversation is a short task to complete. At the end, we will tell you more about Evertop and we will answer all your questions, so it’s worth preparing them in advance.
5. Feedback and decision
After every job interview, it’s time to make a decision. Every applicant is informed within two weeks over the phone about the final decision, no matter if it was positive or negative.
If we consider your application positively, then the next step is to define and agree all employment conditions and sign the contract.
6. Welcome to our team!
And finally it is time to start the new job!
Your first day at Evertop is a typical onboarding. We will tour you around the office, introduce our employees and present you with your duties. You will also receive the necessary tools for work. The last step is training course during which you will learn, among others, which programs we use, you get the access to internal websites and also see how we communicate. The training lasts about an hour and after that you can officially start!
My point of view
You already know how the recruitment process in our company proceeds. Now I would like briefly to tell you how it looked like from my perspective when I was applying for the position at Evertop.
I will not elaborate on particular stages, because everything was according to the plan mentioned above. But I would like to bring up some things that are a bit memorable to me. I prepared myself for the conversation, but stress still accompanied me, like probably many of you. The meeting lasted an hour, but the time flew extremely quick. In fact, I didn’t know when it was over so it wasn’t as stressful as I thought it would be. I also received two tasks that were a kind of pleasure to me because they were related to my interests. On the first day, among others, I became familiar with the office habits like Pizza Friday every week or fresh fruits on Tuesdays.
After a couple of months I can tell that this is the right place which creates self-development opportunities but to make sure it is you have to check it by yourself.
This is how we find new people for the team. Recruitment varies depending on the position. If you would like to join us in the future, I hope that this article will help you to be less stressed during recruitment process.
We are constantly looking for new “hands on board” so I encourage you to familiarize with our current offers.
If you would like to start working in the IT industry, send your resume. We are waiting for you!
And to all future candidates, I wish good luck and successful job interviews!